Monday, July 20, 2009

Big Boy Bed

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH... last night I climbed out of my crib, actually I threw myself over the top. There was a lot of work that had to happened to make my room a safe place again. Mama and Dada let me watch TV in bed with them until I FINALLY feel asleep at 11:15. They moved me to my crib and I slept until 7:15 this morning. As soon as I woke up I immediately started to climb out. Mama and Dada worked all morning to get my big boy room & bed ready and safe. Nap time did not go so well. I screamed for over an hour. Finally I feel asleep on the floor by my door. Of course I would have appreciated if I wasn't locked in my room, but Mama says it is for my own good. Tonight I screamed so hard I almost got sick, but finally feel asleep after 30 minutes. To make it better, I even slept in my bed. Mama and Dada are hopeful that I will learn to love my new big boy bed!!!!!! Nighty night.

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