Saturday, January 10, 2009


On Tuesday Bailey started to act strange. Wednesday morning she spent an hour getting sick and gasping for air. She spent the entire day in her bed and would not come out. I figured I would give her the day to rest. Thursday morning I came down to find her clearly not feeling well. I called the vet and they suggested we bring her right in. Randy took her first thing. They did two x-rays and concluded she had gas($300 later). I was not totally confident that this was the problem but I agreed to do a bland diet and give her some meds to help her feel better. It is Saturday and she is still gasping for air and then getting sick when I give her more than a small teaspoon of food. I am 100% not convinced that this is gas. I will be calling the vet again today at 8:00. Someone mentioned bloat. I googled it online and I can only say that I hope it is NOT bloat!!!!!! I'll keep you posted.

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